
When founders Jordan Kinne and Edward Senf started Inkling, their two-year-old creative agency, they wanted to build the sort of shop where the client experience was as distinctive and elevated as the end consumer’s. A place where a client’s early vision could take shape, evolve, and become something truly phenomenal, without the traditional adland egos or bureaucracy. As the business, team, and portfolio grew by leaps and bounds, they wanted to codify this ambition with the creation of a bold new brand identity and website.

We worked closely with the team to tease out the distinctive experience that the Inkling team offers its clients – an inspiring and nurturing environment with an authentically generous spirit. We were inspired by the metaphor of a spark: no matter how bright, no matter how brilliant, it won’t always catch fire. It needs care, fuel, and the right conditions to reach its potential.

Inkling is in service of the sacred spark of inspiration – obsessed with creating the right conditions for ideas to take flight.


Designer Felipe Yamaoka translated this the brand vision into a bold and iconic visual identity – melding classic typographic elements with irreverent digital inspiration. The agency website is at once striking and simple, an apt encapsulation of the company’s offer: spaces and stories for the moments when our digital and physical worlds collide.


Keep Company

