
Inspired by his personal experience treating patients through the COVID-19 pandemic, ENT surgeon Manan Shah and his partner, Aakash Shah, founded Wyndly – an online specialty practice offering personalized allergy treatment through sublingual immunotherapy. In other words: truly effective allergy care, simply and efficiently delivered.

Fresh from a heady experience in Silicon Valley’s elite Y Combinator program, the Wyndly team knew they needed to establish an identity which resonated with their audience. They approached us with a vision (and a bit of seed funding), and asked us to bring their brand in line with this ambition.

Working quickly and collaboratively with our long-standing partner Design-Hungry, we established the core idea to underpin the Wyndly brand: Allergy care that’s personal.


Inspired by the distinctive Wyndly approach and experience, we focused on the human connections that define any successful doctor/patient relationship. The Wyndly values and tone of voice guidelines immediately began to inform everything from personnel decisions to fundraising pitches, as well as serving as a north star for a quickly-growing team. A robust messaging strategy helped to tie the overall story together, and bring the brand through a broad range of touchpoints for launch.


Visually, the strategy translated to an identity and brand world that is authentic, dynamic, and warm. The distinctive “breeze” icon nods to the Wyndly name, while suggesting movement and scientific authority. The photographic style is natural and always rooted in the human experience – no white background stock shots allowed.


In an industry defined by perpetual disruption, we look forward to partnering with Wyndly as they continue their impressive organic growth, informed and inspired by our collaboration.




Clean Life Collective